Facts & Figures
Number of Volumes  6
Number of Issues  14
Number of Articles  117
Article View  13,016
PDF Download  12,583
View Per Article  111.25
PDF Download Per Article  107.55

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Al-Azhar University Journal for Virus Researches and Studies aims to:  

  • Encourages research that contributes significantly to the advancement of knowledge in microbiology and immunological applications. 
  • Helping to find a cure for various viral diseases that deepen diagnosis, which cause diseases affecting humans, animals and plants. 
  • The journal also contributes to the enrichment of viral genetics, a study of inherited genes found in genes responsible for viral infections such as the doubling of the structure of the genome and some proteins that play an important role in causing viral disease.
Current Issue: Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2024 

Publication Information

Al-Azhar University, Center of Virus Research and Studies

Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Editorial Board
Print ISSN
Online ISSN